Job Opportunity
Sales Strategy
ESL Instruction
English Villages

After working with a number of placement agencies in Calgary from the largest to the smallest outfits, we forged a partnership and thus the beginning of GlobalWorksCanada.  Initially our reception was strong in the business community, but the economic recession of 2008 slowed our progress.  We are now emphasizing promotion with Calgary, Alberta and Canadian businesses about the services we have to offer.  We ask ourselves how we are special in this business area and know we can offer the best services to suppliers and customers.
This brought us to our mission statement "Clarity, Focus, and Results..." We have experienced sales personnel that will identify our clients needs "Clarity" and well trained recruiters that will match up top quality candidates from our suppliers and match them with the specific needs of our clients.  Joe Forzani's joining our partnership brings over twenty-five hundred potential clients that he has had a positive personal business successes.  Besides the business experience that Joe and myself bring to the company, we offer our clients one stop shopping.  We will assist them with creating the LMIA.  We will also assist with housing and assimilation into the Canadian multicultural lifestyle.  Our placement assistance will not stop after delivery.  We will work with employer and recruits to ensure a positive business fit for both parties throughout the contract. 
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